Thursday, July 30, 2009

UK Supporter Troll

This is a Dam UK Supporter Troll. He was an exclusive to the UK and I purchased him from the UK.

Unmarked Troll in Costume

This troll is unmarked so I do not know the year it was made or the maker. I purchased her from an elderly lady who told me that she had her for years and even made her costume. The mouth on this troll looks like the ones on the rare Scandia House teddy bear trolls so maybe she's a S.H.E.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This caveman troll is covered in mohair. He has no markings, but I am almost certain that he's a Norfin. This is the only one like him I've ever seen, so I'm lucky to have him in my collection.

Smaller 1977 Dam Girl

This 1977 Dam Girl is much smaller than the other ones. She has on her original felt clothing.


A 1977 Grandpa Norfin Troll. I love the glasses!

Just Trolling Around...Just Clowning Around

Two 1977 Norfin Clown Trolls - ready for their circus act.

1977 Athletic Norfin Trolls

Here's a few 1977 Athletic Trolls - two cheerleaders and a gymnast. You've got to love the monkey face on the middle one! And, the bangs on the cheerleader to the left are really cool looking - definitely unique!

Wedding Trolls

I hear wedding bells...Here are some 1977 Norfin Wedding Trolls.

The bride and groom was purchased as a set, although I do not know if they were originally together. The groom has bright purple hair which is unique to find on a Norfin.

The bride with the tag has on a beautiful white wedding gown with lace.

1977 Christmas & Monk Trolls

These are two very unique trolls. They are not a set but look nice displayed side-by-side due to their skyward expression.

One is a Christmas Troll made by Norfin in 1977. I am very fond of Christmas time and seeing this troll when I enter my room always puts me in a happy mood. He may be an elf or a Merrymaker. What do you think?

The other is a Monk Troll made by Norfin in 1977. I love that he is balding - making him look so different than my other trolls. His shoes are painted on.

Wizard Troll

This is a 1977 Wizard Troll made by Norfin. He is definitely one of the prize pieces of my collection - in my opinion.

My Most Favorite Troll - Dam Girl

This is a 1979 Dam Troll. She Stands approximately 18" tall. This is the largest type of Dam troll ever made and highly sought after by many collectors. Isn't she beautiful?

Hello & Welcome To My Blog

This blog is created to share my troll endeavors with other troll lovers. I will share my own personal collection of troll dolls and merchandise with everyone. I currently have over 6,000 dolls and growing weekly. You will find new pictures and content added so stay never know what you'll find just trolling around.