It's that wonderful...magical...time of year! Everything is so beautiful, happiness is all around...the chill of the winter air, stockings hung, trees lit up, the smell of our holiday favorites, thoughts of Santa, smiles on everyone's faces. It's my favorite time of year. Everything changes...Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas this year. Hope you all enjoyed having a peek at all my Christmas trolls...Happy Holidays!
I absolutely love this! It's my Wishnik troll Shanty Shack. These were made in the 60s. It's in great condition for its age. There is so much detail and it's so colorful. The two elf/trolls came with it. They are vintage and must have been popular in the 60s.
These are vintage troll animals from the 60s or 70s era made in Japan. I'm trying to think if I have showed these before...hmmm...I'm really not sure. If so, bear with me. This is a nice picture of them though. The elephant is my favorite of the bunch.
This is a rare Unica Belgium troll monkey. I just love the details in his hands. He is old and very vintage. He has the brightest green eyes. Have you ever seen one like this before?
These are the last of the Wishniks I'll show you for tonight. They are farmers and even have straw hats. I think they look darlin'. The colors in their outfits could almost make them pass as Christmas trolls. Speaking of Christmas, I have a lot of Christmas trolls I've been putting off posting until'll definitely want to stay tuned for those...